Attributes { country { Int32 gridtype 2; String units "ids"; } T { String standard_name "time"; String calendar "360"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "months since 1960-01-01"; } partial_country { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; Int32 expires 1720569600; String colorscalename "std_wasp_colors"; Float32 CE 3.5; Int32 ncolor 254; Float32 CS -3.5; Int32 maxncolor 254; String colormap "16777215", "2970272", "2970272", "2970272", "2970272", "17", "5266050", "5266050", "18", "6910875", "6910875", "18", "8555700", "8555700", "18", "10200525", "10200525", "18", "16777215", "16777215", "71", "14153170", "14153170", "18", "10217110", "10217110", "18", "3322925", "3322925", "18", "1021450", "1021450", "18", "360960", "360960", "18", "360960"; Float32 missing_value NaN; String history "[ ( { [ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ] - [ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ] } / masklt { root mean sq [ ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ) - ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ) ] , 0.01 } ) * ( { ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe } / masklt { [ mean ( ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ) * 12. ] , 0.001 } ) ] / masklt [ root mean sq anom ( { [ ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ) - ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ) ] / masklt [ root mean sq ( { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe } - { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology } ) , 0.01 ] } * { [ ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ] / masklt [ ( mean { ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe } * 12. ) , 0.001 ] } ) , 0.01 ] ", "[ ( { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe } - { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology } ) / masklt ( root mean sq { [ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ] - [ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ] } , 0.01 ) ] * [ ( ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ) / masklt ( { mean [ ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ] * 12. } , 0.001 ) ]", "[ ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ) - ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ) ] / masklt [ root mean sq ( { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe } - { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology } ) , 0.01 ] ", "[ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ] - [ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ]", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "masklt [ root mean sq ( { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe } - { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology } ) , 0.01 ]", "root mean sq [ ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ) - ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ) ]", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "[ ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ] / masklt [ ( mean { ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe } * 12. ) , 0.001 ] ", "ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "masklt [ ( mean { ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe } * 12. ) , 0.001 ]", " mean [ ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ] * 12.", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "Averaged over T[Jan, Dec] minimum 0.0% data present", "Averaged in T with overlapping interval 12", "Boxes with less than 0.0% dropped", "masklt [ root mean sq anom ( { [ ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ) - ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ) ] / masklt [ root mean sq ( { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe } - { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology } ) , 0.01 ] } * { [ ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ] / masklt [ ( mean { ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe } * 12. ) , 0.001 ] } ) , 0.01 ]", "[ ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ) - ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ) ] / masklt [ root mean sq ( { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe } - { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology } ) , 0.01 ] ", "[ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ] - [ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ]", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "masklt [ root mean sq ( { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe } - { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology } ) , 0.01 ]", "root mean sq [ ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ) - ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ) ]", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "[ ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ] / masklt [ ( mean { ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe } * 12. ) , 0.001 ] ", "ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "masklt [ ( mean { ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe } * 12. ) , 0.001 ]", " mean [ ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ] * 12.", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "Averaged over T[Jan, Dec] minimum 0.0% data present", "[ ( { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe } - { ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology } ) / masklt ( root mean sq { [ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ] - [ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ] } , 0.01 ) ] * [ ( ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ) / masklt ( { mean [ ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ] * 12. } , 0.001 ) ]", "Averaged in T with overlapping interval 12", "Boxes with less than 0.0% dropped", "root mean sq anom [ ( { [ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ] - [ ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ] } / masklt { root mean sq [ ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe ) - ( ENACTS version0 monthly rainfall rfe climatology ) ] , 0.01 } ) * ( { ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe } / masklt { [ mean ( ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ) * 12. ] , 0.001 } ) ]", "Averaged over T2[16 Jun 1981 - 15 Jun 1982, 16 Jun 2009 - 15 Jun 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "[ masklt / masklt ] [ mean ( ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ) , 0.25 ]", "mean [ ENACTS version0 monthly climatologies rfe ]", "Averaged over T2[1981, 2010] minimum 0.0% data present", "Averaged over T[Jan, Dec] minimum 0.0% data present", "Boxes with less than 0.0% dropped"; String long_name "$partialdiff sub country$ $partialdiff sub T$ Country-Average ENACTS 12-Month WASP"; String units "12 year-1/ids"; } NC_GLOBAL { String Conventions "IRIDL"; } }