
The correlation is defined as the measure of linear association between two variables. A single value, commonly referred to as the correlation coefficient, is often needed to describe this association.

The value has two special properties. First, most estimates of correlation are bounded by -1 and 1. If the correlation is exactly -1, there is a perfect, negative linear association between the two variables; the scatterplot of the two variables fall along one line with negative slope. Conversely, if the correlation is exactly 1, there is a perfect, positive linear correlation. Secondly, the square of the correlation describes the amount of variability in one variable that is described by the other variable. It should be noted, however, that the correlation coefficient provides no explanation about the physical relationship between the variables.

Caveats / limitations associated with linear correlation:

*NOTE: The examples below only illustrate correlations over temporal grids. You may correlate over spatial grids by replacing [T] with [X], [Y], [X Y], etc.

The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation

The core of the Pearson correlation coefficient is the covariance between the two variables, or in this case, x and y. Look at the scatterplot below, which illustrates two variables that are positively correlated. The horizontal and vertical lines represent the mean of the data plotted on the y-axis and the x-axis, respectively.

For points in quadrant I, both of the x and y values are larger than their respective means. These points will contribute positive terms to the correlation coefficient. In quadrant III, both the x and y values are less than their respective means, so in the formula for correlation coefficient, the product of the two terms in parenthesis is positive. These points also contribute positive terms to the correlation coefficient. Conversely, points in quadrants II and IV contribute negative terms to the correlation coefficient. Since most of the points fall in quadrants I and III, the correlation coefficient will be dominated by positive terms.

Example: Find the Pearson product-moment correlation between maximum and minimum temperatures at Toyko, Japan for August 1976.

Locate Dataset, Station and Maximum Temperature Variable
  • Select the "Datasets by Catagory" link in the blue banner on the Data Library page.
  • Click on the "Atmosphere" link.
  • Select the NOAA NCDC GDCN dataset.
  • Click on the "searches" link to the right of the map.
  • In the Name text box under the Searches subheading, enter Tokyo.
  • Click the Search NOAA NCDC GDCN button.
  • Click on the number "47622" which appears below the search text box. CHECK
    You have selected the station identification number for Tokyo, Japan.
  • Select the "Max Temperature" link under the Datasets and Variables subheading. CHECK
Select Temporal Domain
  • Click on the "Data Selection" link in the function bar.
  • Enter the text 1 Aug 1976 to 31 Aug 1976 in the Time text box.
  • Press the Restrict Ranges button and then the Stop Selecting button. CHECK
Select Minimum Temperature and Temporal Domain
  • Click on the "Expert Mode" link in the function bar.
  • Enter the following lines below the text already there:

    ISTA 47662 VALUE
    T (1 Aug 1976) (31 Aug 1976) RANGEEDGES
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
Calculate Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient
  • Again in the Expert Mode text box, enter the following line:

    [T] correlate
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
    The [T] correlate command computes the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for the data over the given range: August 1st-31st, 1976. The result should be located under the Expert Mode text box in bold: 0.8239428.

    The relatively high correlation coefficient is easily explained. Warm days are usually associated with warm nights and cold days are usually associated with cold nights.

Spearman Rank Correlation

Example: Find the Spearman rank correlation between maximum and minimum temperatures at Toyko, Japan for August 1976.

Locate Dataset, Station and Maximum Temperature Variable *NOTE: This example uses the same dataset, variable, and ranges as the previous example.
  • Select the "Datasets by Catagory" link in the blue banner on the Data Library page.
  • Click on the "Atmosphere" link.
  • Select the NOAA NCDC GDCN dataset.
  • Click on the "searches" link to the right of the map.
  • In the Name text box under the Searches subheading, enter Tokyo.
  • Click the Search NOAA NCDC GDCN button.
  • Click on the number "47622" which appears below the search text box. CHECK
    You have selected the station identification number for Tokyo, Japan.
  • Select the "Max Temperature" link under the Datasets and Variables subheading. CHECK
Select Temporal Domain
  • Click on the "Data Selection" link in the function bar.
  • Enter the text 1 Aug 1976 to 31 Aug 1976 in the Time text box.
  • Press the Restrict Ranges button and then the Stop Selecting button. CHECK
Select Minimum Temperature and Temporal Domain
  • Click on the "Expert Mode" link in the function bar.
  • Enter the following lines below the text already there:

       ISTA 47662 VALUE
       T (1 Aug 1976) (31 Aug 1976) RANGEEDGES
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
Calculate Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient
  • Again in the Expert Mode text box, enter the following line:

    [T] rankcorrelate
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
    The [T] rankcorrelate command computes the Spearman correlation coefficient by correlating the ranks of both datasets over the given time range: August 1, 1976 to August 31,1976. The result should be located under the Expert Mode text box in bold: 0.8568417.

    As in the previous example, there is a relatively high correlation between the two sets of data.

Lagged Correlation

Example: Find the lagged correlation between sea surface temperature anomalies and the Southern Oscillation Index from January 1985 to December 2003.

Locate Dataset and Variable
  • Select the "Datasets by Catagory" link in the blue banner on the Data Library page.
  • Click on the "Air-Sea Interface" link.
  • Scroll down the page and select the NOAA NCEP EMC CMB GLOBAL Reyn_Smith dataset.
  • Click on the "Reyn_SmithOIv2" link.
  • Click on the "monthly" link.
  • Click on the "Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly" link under the Datasets and Variables subheading. CHECK
Select Temporal Domain
  • Click on the "Data Selection" link in the function bar.
  • Enter the text Jan 1985 to Dec 2003 in the Time text box.
  • Press the Restrict Ranges button and then the Stop Selecting button. CHECK
Add the Standardized SLP Difference SOI Index Dataset with Temporal Domain
  • Click on the "Expert Mode" link in the function bar.
  • Enter the following line below the text already there:

    SOURCES .Indices .soi .standardized
    T (Jan 1985) (Dec 2003) RANGEEDGES
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
    The above command will enter the SOI dataset into the interface with the same domain as the SSTA dataset.
Compute Lags and Correlate
  • In the Expert Mode text box, enter the following line below the text already there:

    T -6 1 6 shiftdatashort
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
    Here, the shiftdatashort function will shift the SOI data by several lags in time, in effect creating several lagged versions of the data. A new grid will be created with _lag appended to the grid name. In this case 13 lagged versions of the SOI data (from lag -6 to +6 months) will be assigned to the T_lag grid. The monthly time grid "T" will still exist for both the SST and SOI data, but for the SOI data, the time grid will be shortened by six months at each end such that the remaining time grid will include only those time points that are common to all the lagged versions of the SOI data. As mentioned earlier, a positive (negative) lag in time refers to a later (earlier) time. In this case, the lags are all applied to the SOI data. For T_lag = 0, January 2000 SOI data are matched with January 2000 SST data. For T_lag = +1, February 2000 SOI data are matched with January 2000 SST data. So, at T_lag = +1, the February 2000 SOI data are assigned to January 2000 in the time grid. For T_lag = -1, the December 1999 SOI data are assigned to January 2000 (and matched with the January 2000 SST data), and so on for each lag. Complete documentation on the shiftdatashort function is available here.
  • Enter the following command in the Expert Mode text box below the text already there:

    [T] correlate
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
    The Pearson product-moment method is used to correlate the sea surface temperature anomalies with the Southern Oscillation Index at each lag interval (i.e. 13 different correlations are calculated).
View Results
  • To see the results of this operation, choose the viewer window with land shaded in black. CHECK
    *NOTE: The image may take a few seconds to load.
  • Select different lags by changing the number in the T_lag text box located near the top of the viewer.
    The image below corresponds to a -6 lag.
Pearson Correlation Between SSTA and SOI for -6 Lag

Notice the strong negative correlations in the Eastern Pacific. By convention, a negative Southern Oscillation value corresponds to warmer-than-average conditions in the equatorial Pacific while a positive value corresponds to cooler-than-average conditions. Therefore, a negative correlation between SSTA's and SOI values is expected, as shown in the above image.


Example: Calculate the autocorrelation function and correlation skill score of the NINO 3.4 Index from January 1856 to December 1998.
Locate Dataset and Variable
  • Select the "Datasets by Catagory" link in the blue banner on the Data Library page.
  • Click on the "Climate Indicies" link.
  • Select the Indicies nino dataset.
  • Select the "EXTENDED" link under the Datasets and Variables subheading.
  • Select the "NINO34" link under the Datasets and Variables subheading. CHECK
Select Temporal Domain
  • Click on the "Data Selection" link in the function bar.
  • Enter the text Jan 1856 to Dec 1998 in the Time text box.
  • Press the Restrict Ranges button and then the Stop Selecting button. CHECK
Calculate Autocorrelation Function
  • Click on the "Expert Mode" link in the function bar.
  • Enter the following lines under the text already there:

    T -36 1 1 shiftdatashort
    [T] correlate
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
    The dup command duplicates the NINO 3.4 dataset and adds it to the stack.
    The shiftdatashort command then computes a series of negative lags of the duplicated dataset. This operation results in a series of persistence forecasts of the NINO 3.4 index for each lag.
    Finally, the correlate command calculates the correlation coefficient between the lagged NINO 3.4 data and the unlagged NINO 3.4 data.

*Note that the shiftdatashort function will shorten the range over which the two variables will be correlated. For instance, a -36 lag will correlate values starting at January 1859 because 36 months (3 years) of data were moved foward.

View Autocorrelation Function
  • To see the results of this operation, choose the time series viewer.
  • In the two text boxes that represent the x-axis ranges, enter 1. and -36. in the left and right boxes, respectively. CHECK
    This will reverse the order of the lag on the x-axis so that the autocorrelation function is easier to visualize.
Autocorrelation Function of the NINO 3.4 Index
The autocorrelation function exhibits relatively high values at lags less than 5 months. This is indicative of the "memory" of the NINO 3.4 Index. Persistence forecasts up to a few months may be sufficiently accurate depending on their intended application. Notice that the autocorrelation function crosses zero near -14 months, but then asymptotes back to a correlation of 0 as the lag becomes more negative. Occasionally, the autocorrelation function will oscillate around 0 before eventually decaying to 0.
Find Correlation Skill Score for Individual Lags
  • Click on the right-most link in the blue source bar to exit the viewer.
  • Select the "Tables" link in the function bar.
  • Click on the "columnar table" link. CHECK

    Lags smaller than -6 exhibit correlations above 0.5. Also observe that a -1 lag has a correlation of .948. This indicates that a persistance forecast for one month in advance will most likely be quite accurate.

Significance Tables and Correlation

.232 .274
.082 .098
Snedecor, George W. Statistical Methods. p 473.

Example: Find the correlation between average summer (JJA) Sahel rainfall and sea surface temperature anomalies during the time period 1983-1999, and then make a plot of correlation coefficients significant to the 90% level.

Locate Dataset and Variable
  • Select the "Datasets by Catagory" link in the blue banner on the Data Library page.
  • Click on the "Atmosphere" link.
  • Select the NOAA NCEP CPC CAMS dataset.
  • Select the "mean" link under the Datasets and Variables subheading.
  • Select the "precipitation" link under the Datasets and Variables subheading. CHECK
Select Temporal and Spatial Domains
  • Click on the "Data Selection" link in the function bar.
  • Enter the text 20W to 40E, 11N to 20N, and Jan 1983 to Dec 1999 in the appropriate text boxes.
  • Press the Restrict Ranges button and then the Stop Selecting button. CHECK
Compute Summer Rainfall Averages
  • Select the "Expert Mode" link in the function bar.
  • Enter the following lines below the text already there:

    T 12 splitstreamgrid
    T (Jul) (Aug) (Sep) VALUES
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
    This command splits the time grid into two new time grids. The T grid has a period of 12 months and a step of 1. This grid represents data from January, Februrary, March, etc. The T2 grid has a step of 12 and represents the years from the beginning of the dataset (1999) to the end of the dataset (1999). The following command selects July, August, and September values from the T grid and and the average command averages the rainfall over those three months for each year.
Compute Spatial Average
  • Click on the "Filters" link in the function bar.
  • Choose Average over "XY" CHECK
Add Reyn_Smith Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Dataset and Correlate with Precipitation Data
  • Click on the "Expert Mode" link in the function bar and enter the following lines under the text already there:
    SOURCES .NOAA .NCEP .EMC .CMB .GLOBAL .Reyn_SmithOIv2 .monthly .ssta
       T (Jan 1983) (Dec 1999) RANGEEDGES
       T 12 splitstreamgrid
       T (Jul) (Aug) (Sep) VALUES
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
    The above commands will add the Reyn_Smith monthly SSTA dataset to the interface with the same temporal grid as the CAMS dataset.
  • Again in expert mode, enter the command:
    [T2] correlate
  • Click the OK button. CHECK
    This command will correlate the two variables over the time grid T2.
Calculate the 10% Significance Level of the Correlation Coefficient and View Results
  • Recall that the correlation coefficient was calculated over the years from 1983 to 1999 (a 17-year span)
    A sample size of 17 results in 15 degrees of freedom using the formula df = n - 2.
  • Find the 90% significance level using the table above.
    There is no entry for 15 degrees of freedom in the table. Common practice for instances such as this is to use the significance level for the closest number of degrees of freedom BELOW the desired one. This will give a conservative estimate of statistical significance. In this case, you should use the 90% significance level for 14 degrees of freedom, or 0.426.
  • Return to the Expert Mode text box and enter the following lines under the text already there:

        -1 1 RANGEEDGES
        white black navy
           -1 value
            -0.8 bandmax
             -0.6 bandmax
              -0.426 bandmax
              moccasin dup
                0 bandmax
                moccasin dup
                  0.426 bandmax
                  yellow DarkOrange
                    0.6 bandmax
                     0.8 bandmax
                      1 bandmax
  • Press the OK button. CHECK
    The above colormap commands will create an image with correlation coefficient values between -0.426 and 0.426 masked out.
  • To see the results of this operation, choose the viewer window with land shaded in black. CHECK
Correlation Between Summer Sahel Rainfall and SSTA at a 90% Significance Level

Note the negative correlations in the Eastern Pacific. These results suggest that during El NiƱo conditions, when SST's are above normal in the Eastern Pacific, below average summer rainfall in the Sahel is generally observed.