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Model Agreement

The level of agreement on either positive or negative change in a future time period with reference to the baseline (historical period).

Model Agreement is calculated by first getting the changes between the historical climatology and future climatology of each individual model. The result is then compared with all models to ascertain the agreement in the future change at each grid point. Models can agree on a decrease, increase or no change in the future under climate change. The results are presented in terms of percent of models that agree on a given change at each grid point.

Grid points with less than 10% of the models, agreeing on either positive or negative change, are classified as having no level of agreement, points with between 15% and 45% of models agreeing on a change are classified as having low agreement, points with between 45% and 75% of models agreeing are classified as having medium agreement, while points that have more than 75% of models agreeing are classified as having high level of agreement.

Dataset Documentation

Monthly SPI

computed from CHIRP-BLENDED



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